Sämtliche Fleisch- (free range) und Fischprodukte (MSC) im Madre Nostra sind biologisch. Unser Ziel ist es, nur Produkte zu verwenden, die aus einer Produktion stammt, die darauf abzielt, Lebensmittel mit natürlichen Substanzen und Prozessen zu verarbeiten. Wann immer möglich, beziehen wir die besten Produkte aus maximal 150km um uns herum. Wir wollen die Umwelt so wenig wie möglich belasten. Alle unsere Pasta ist hausgemacht und aus 100% Bio-Weizen. Auf allen Fleischgerichten ist ein kleiner Aufpreis für die CO2-Kompensation, welcher an myclimate gespendet wird. Wir spenden 10% von allen Einnahmen aus Wasserverkäufen an WIR - Water is Right.
Grissini, San Daniele Schinken (IT), Oliven
Sauerteigbrot, Lardo (IT), Fenchelpollen, Honig
Trockenfleisch (Zermatt IGP), Hobelkäse Binneralp (AOP, Goms)
Black Oona Kaviar N°103 (CH, 20g), Waffeln, Crème Fraîche
Brioche, Bretonischer Blauer Hummer, Mayonnaise, Schnittlauch, Zitrone
Käse Nuggets, Aprikosen Chutney
Tomaten, Mozzarella, Basilikum
Rucola, Mozzarella, San Daniele Prosciutto (IT), Parmigiano Vacche Rosse
Porcini, Geräucherter Provola, Speck (DOP, IT), Trüffelöl
Sardinen (IT), Olivenöl, Grilliertes Brot, Zitronen, Petersiliensalat
Warmer Schokoladenkuchen, Vanilleeis
Mascarpone, Biscuit, Espresso
Fleisch: Bio, Schweiz und Italien Fisch: MSC, Schweiz, IT Bretagne Oktopus: Italien
Koskenkorva Vodka, Maraschino, Lemon, Orange Blossom, Raspberry
Flüssiges Holz, Rosemary, Aquafaba
Gin, Vermouth, Carpano
Hendrick’s Gin, Suze, Carpano Bianco
Mezcal, Agave Nectar, Angostura
Vodka, Lime, Angostura Bitter, Ginger Beer
Gin, Lime, Angostura Bitter, Ginger Beer
Rum, Passion Fruit, Lemon, Koskenkorva Minttu
Tequila, Cointreau, Basil, Lime
Koskenkorva Vodka, Coldbrew Cacao
Vodka, Lemonjuice, Tabasco, Worcestershire Sauce, Pepper, Tomato, Celery
Koskenkorva Vodka, Yuzu, Elderflower, Lime
Bourbon, Massala Spices, Green Tea, Passion Fruit, Coconut
Grapefruit, Raspberry, Prosecco
Citrus Fruits, Prosecco
Prosecco, Aperol, Soda Water
Prosecco, Elderflower Syrup, Soda Water
Carpano Bitter, Prosecco, Soda Water
Whitewine, Soda Water
Kolonne Null Cuvée Nr. 1, Cervo Syrup, Soda Water
Kolonne Null Cuvée Nr. 1, Lemon Syrup, Soda Water
We donate 10% of all earnings from water sales to WIR - Water is Right.
Alcohol free
English Breakfast - bio black tea of ceylon, vitalizing, full flavour & strong
Earl Grey - organically grown bergamot, tantalizing fresh hints of citrus
Darjeeling - characteristically mellow aroma
Blend of black tea with exotic spices in a piquant combination
Green - genuine highly aromatic mild, enchantingly delicate, flowery character
Green - organically, piquant aroma
Herbal - from Paraguay, strengthening and refreshing effect
Herbal - intense flavour, refreshing pleasure
Herbal - mild camomille with delicate orange blossoms
Herbal - finest organic mountain herbs of the Swiss alps
Herbal - refreshing, sweet-spicy combination that revitalizes body and soul
Fruit - fruity, sweet & sensual
Fruit - fruity and caffeine-free
Organic Ginger, Lime
Coffee, Plum Schnapps
Coffee, Pome fruit Schnapps
Herndrick’s Gin, Organic Ginger, Lime
Koskenkorva Vodka, Organic Ginger, Lime
Fresh Ginger, Ginger Guru
Speyside, Scotland 40%
Speyside, Scotland 43%
Speyside, Scotland 48%
Tennesse, USA 43%
New York, USA 46%
Offlay, Ireland 40%
Banffshire, Scotland 40%
Highlands, Scotland 46%
Speyside, Scotland 59.5%
Islay, Scotland 43%
Rajamäki, Finland 40%
Rajamäki, Finland 35%
Cognac, France 40%
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Ayrshire, Scotland 41.4%
Islay, Scotland 46.0%
Baden-Württemberg, Germany 47.0%
Zurich, Switzerland 41.5%
Jalisco, Mexico 38.0%
Jalisco, Mexico 40.0%
Mixco, Guatemala 40%
Havana, Cuba
Douro Valley, Portugal 19.0%
Douro Valley, Portugal 20.0%
Jerez, Spain 15.0%
Jerez, Spain 19.5%
Saronno, Italy 28.0%
Saronno, Italien 17.0%
Dublin, Ireland 17.0%
Glasgow, Scotland 40.0%
Cognac, France 40.0%
Veracruz, Mexico 16.0%
New Orleans, USA 35.0%
Campania, Italy 30.0%
Milan, Italy 15.0%
Milan, Italy 16.0%
Canale Piemont, Italy 11.0%
Appenzell, Switzerland 29.0%
Caltanissetta, Italy 29.0%
Sesto San Giovanni, Italy 23.0%
Milano, Italy 39.0%
Lucerne, Switzerland 25.0%
Jerez, Spain 40%
Normandie, France 42%
Wallis, Suisse 40.0%
Wallis, Suisse 38.0%
Wallis, Suisse 20.0%
Zurich, Switzerland 41.0%
Zurich, Switzerland 40.0%
Zurich, Switzerland 20.0%
Berne, Switzerland 40.0%
Piedmont, Italy 50.0%
Piedmont, Italy 43.0%
Piemont, Italy 40.0%
Mombaruzzo, Italy
Alba, Italy
Bloody Mary, Cream, Caviar, Cinnamon
Bombardino, Rum, Cream, Chili
Vodka, Coffee Liqueur, Cointreau, Homemade Spiced Syrup, Cream